Maritimer Kalender

STG Symposium "Selected Topics on Strength, Vibrations and Noise"

13.03.2024 08:30 Uhr – 13.03.2024 16:30 Uhr
TUHH, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5, 21073 Hamburg, Germany


Currently there is an ever-increasing importance of climate and environmental protection. Political interest exists on the protection of the oceans from shipping borne noise. This is reflected in current activities of the International Maritime Organization, e.g., with a workshop on this topic in September 2023.

Another keyword is the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The trend toward digitalization is continuing. We are seeing the first realizations of autonomous shipping. The product portfolio of European shipyards continues to expand its focus on special ships, in particular high-end yachts, cruise ships and naval vessels. These place the highest demands on comfort in the area of tension with high safety requirements. For the areas of strength, vibrations and noise, this results in new challenges that need to be mastered. All those involved in shipbuilding, shipping, the supply industry and classification societies are called upon to play their part.

The STG's "Selected Topics on Strength, Vibration and Noise" day will provide information on relevant current developments with a view to the new challenges. It offers the opportunity for discussion with experts and representatives from teaching, research, industry and classification societies.


The following topics, among others, will be discussed at the Hamburg University of Technology on March 13, 2024:

  • Simulation techniques and measurement methods 
  • Condition monitoring of structures and propulsion components 
  • Waterborne noise predictions and measurements even in difficult environments 
  • Influence of propulsion components and new propulsion concepts on strength, noise and vibrations 
  • Vibration and noise characteristics of hull and equipment

Ship types covered include modern yachts, cruise ships and naval vessels.



13. März 2024

8.30 Uhr Registration
8.50 Uhr Welcome by Sören Ehlers and Nils Reichstein
  Session 1 – Strength topics
9.00 Uhr Structural optimization of a large cruise ship section
Carl Rupp, Technische Universität Hamburg

Kurzfassung / Abstract

9.30 Uhr Strength Aspects of Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems
Marcus Ihms, DNV, Hamburg
10.00 Uhr Evaluating a Simplified Beam Model for Predicting Ship Vibrations
Gunnar Kistner, Universität Rostock

Kurzfassung / Abstract

10.30 Uhr Coffee break
  Session 2 – Noise and Vibration – emission reduction and alternative fuels
11.00 Uhr Scrubbers, LNG tanks, and Co. - New vibration challenges driven by emission reduction
Sebastian Knees, DNV, Hamburg

Kurzfassung / Abstract

11.30 Uhr Noise and vibration characteristics of methanol engines in the maritime sector
Veerappan Saravanan, Hochschule Wismar
12.00 Uhr The Influence of Propeller Retrofits in the Torsional Vibration Behaviour of Shafting in Marine Vessels
Kevin Lal, Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH, Waren
12.30 Uhr Lunch
  Session 3 – Noise and Vibration – new developments
13.30 Uhr New Design of Highly Flexible Misalignment Couplings with Improved Structure-Borne Noise Attenuating Characteristics for High Demanding Markets
Andogho Tebong, VULKAN Deutschland, Herne
14.00 Uhr Accelerating product development through the targeted use of simulation for complex acoustic problems in the powertrain
Nora Yazdandoost, Geislinger GmbH, Salzburg
14.30 Uhr Experimental Parameters Influencing the Cavitation Noise of an Oscillating NACA0015 Hydrofoil
Leonie Föhring, Fachhochschule Kiel

Kurzfassung / Abstract

15.00 Uhr Coffee break
  Session 4 – Noise and Vibration – measurement and monitoring
15.30 Uhr Studies on Noises by Vacuum Toilet Systems for Use on Luxury Yachts
Till Kniffka, Fr. Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co.KG, Bremen
16.00 Uhr Energy efficiency and URN of a ship Online monitoring on board
Thierry Maquil, Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH, Hamburg
16.30 Uhr Closing words by Nils Reichstein and Sören Ehlers
  Laboratory tours are optional following the closing words!


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Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft e.V.

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