Maritimer Kalender

Improvement in System Identification for Surface and Underwater Vehicles Using AI

24.02.2023 12:00 Uhr – 24.02.2023 13:00 Uhr
FG Innovationsmanagement | FG Maritime IKT | FG Schiffseffizienz | FG Unterwasserkommunikation | FG Yacht- und Bootsbau | Weitere Veranstaltungen

What is the status of new innovations for the maritime industry? What practical solutions are there and what is currently being researched? In the weekly Maritime Innovation Update (MUI), the researchers of Fraunhofer CML provide answers and present innovative solutions, current studies and new optimization approaches relating to the topics of maritime economy and logistics.

The use of AI on board a ship is intended to improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of maritime transport. But in which areas is the use of AI already possible and useful, and what concrete solutions result from this? M.Sc. Ricardo Fernandez will provide answers to these questions in the upcoming MIU on February 24, 2023.



Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML

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