Maritimer Kalender

BOOKED OUT: Building the Future: How AI is Reshaping Maritime

28.02.2024 18:30 Uhr – 28.02.2024 22:00 Uhr
Digital Hub Logistics, Am Sandtorkai 32, 20457 Hamburg
FG Maritime IKT | MCN-Veranstaltung | Weitere Veranstaltungen

Flagship Founders in collaboration with MCN are hosting an exciting maritime network event, focussing on AI in shipping at Digital Hub Logistics in Hamburg on Wednesday 28 February

Understand how leading maritime-tech companies use AI to drive innovation, with 10-minute presentations from:

  • Fabian Fussek, Kaiko Systems - The platform that connects seafarers on board with technical management ashore, providing real-time data and insights
  • Narayan Venkatesh, Tilla Technologies - a platform for modernising crew management through data integration and automation
  • Karno Tenovuo, - a Finnish company, focussing on developing customised AI/ML models to optimise cargo flow through the ports, reduce waiting times and emissions
  • David Kaiser, Vesselity - a holistic service for continuous hull inspection and data management using underwater ROV and custom AI systems
  • Georg-Maximilian Kuhlmann, Oceanis - software that connects shipowners seeking finance with banks and other financial institutions, creating efficiencies, breaking complexities and reducing costs through digitisation and standardisation

With special guests Florian Heinemann, Senior Director Data Insights & AI, Hapag-Lloyd AG and Nick Chubb, Founder & Strategy Director, Thetius.

Participation is free of charge. In the event of non-attendance or cancellations after 21 February 2024, we will invoice catering costs amounting to €19 (excluding VAT).

The event specifically aims for guests working for companies from the shipping industry and potential investors. We kindly ask for your understanding that the majority of the slots available are reserved for guests from shipowning and shipmanaging companies as well as ports and potential investors.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

To provide us with a comprehensive understanding of the participant pool, we would appreciate it if, during registration under "Zusätzliche Bemerkungen" you could also specify your role within the company.

Arrival information:

  • Parkplatz Kehrwieder - Kehrwieder 2, 20457 Hamburg (opposite the Hamburg Dungeon)
  • CONTIPARK Parkhaus Speicherstadt - Am Sandtorkai 6, 20457 Hamburg

Public transport:

  • Am Sandtorkai - bus lines 2, 6, 111
  • Auf dem Sande (Speicherstadt) - bus line 6

This event is fully booked. If you are interested, please contact us at

Kontakt für Rückfragen

Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.
Geschäftsstelle Hamburg
+49 40 227019-492 / +49 170 3626184


Flagship Founders GmbH / Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.

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