Issues of civil maritime safety and security are becoming increasingly significant. This does not only concern vessels, traffic routes, ports and transported goods or passengers, but also the people employed in these areas. Those involved are already reacting very sensitively to these challenges with new safety and security concepts, improved standards, innovative products and digital solutions in all areas, such as shipbuilding, the maritime supply industry, or shipping.
The Maritime Cluster Northern Germany founded the specialist group Maritime Safety and Security in January 2018. The aim is to identify issues and future hot spots in the field of maritime safety and security as well as to initiate innovative projects. The specialist group thus complements existing programmes and projects from other institutions and associations and is willing to promote collaboration and cooperation between the individual players.
Key points of the specialist group Maritime Safety and Security include integrated land and sea operations, human-machine interaction, the protection of the maritime infrastructure, damage management, acute and emergency care, as well as qualification and training concepts.
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Hilgenfeld
KPLER Germany GmbH
Direction of specialist group
Thoralf Noack
DLR Program Directorate Transport
Direction of specialist group
Prof. Dr. Falk von Seck
Jade Hochschule Elsfleth, Fachbereich Seefahrt und Logistik
Direction of specialist group
Holger Klindt
Direction of specialist group
Egbert Schwarz
DLR Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum
Direction of specialist group
Supervising MCN Branch Offices
Ines Jahnke
Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.
Branch Office Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Andreas Born
Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland
Branche Office Bremen
+49 421 361-32171