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Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Bauen und Digitalisierung

Friedrichswall 1
30159 Hannover

The Ministry for Economics, Labour and Transport in Niedersachsen provides optimum conditions for the labourmarket, transportinfrastructure and the business location Lower-Saxony. In this context the maritime economy, which plays a key role as well in the competitiveness of Germany as a business location, is of particular importance. One measure for strengthening this sector is, for example, the promotion of the Maritime Cluster Norddeutschland e. V ..

Main Objectives

  • Economic policy
  • Labor market policy
  • Infrastructure policy
  • Business promotion

Niedersachsen's seaports

supported as important hubs of foreign trade.

Offshore wind energy

as a keystone of the future energy supply.

About 120 shipping companies

with more than 1,000 merchant ships.

Niedersachsen is the No. 1 shipbuilding state in Germany

and has outstanding expertise in marine mining.

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