Member list

Büro für Umwelt und Küste (BfUK)

Steinstraße 25
24118 Kiel

The company for environment and coast was founded in 1994 by Dr. Kai Ahrendt and offers a broad spectrum of services all over coast and marine problems. Coastal protection planning and integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), project development, marine resourrces and renweables, hydronumeric modelling as well as project management are the main activities of the company. Offshore aquacultre and co-utilisation (near shore and offshore wondparks) are additional objectives of the company.

Main Objectives

  • coastal protection
  • project management
  • EIA
  • ICZM
  • offshorewind


co-utilisation of man-made nearshore and offshopre structurs, patent for harvesting rain offshore, patent for scour protection for monopiles, maricutlure in offshore windparks.


German Railway, WiMi Schleswig-Holstein, HZG, BMBF.



Chair of the Foundation German Coastal Protection, Chair Maritime Consulting Group
Network Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Meditarranean.

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